In the tomb of the famous pharaoh Tutankhamun, researchers found, among other things, a bottle of black cumin oil. Our ancestors swore by the positive effect of black cumin oil for health.
est-Theben, 1922: "And... can you see anything?" asked Lord Carnavon impatiently. "Yes, many wonderful things," the Egyptologist Howard Carter whispers softly to his backer while peering through a peephole into Tutankhamun's tomb. This unique and historic event now lies almost 100 years in the past. At that time, the well-known British explorer Howard Carter was digging in the world-famous Valley of the Kings to discover more and more temples and tombs of ancient Egyptian rulers. Finally, on 4 November 1922, workers at the tomb of Pharaoh Ramses VI came across a staircase leading to Tutankhamun's tomb. In the tomb, Howard Carter, Lord Carnavon and their companions found around 500 objects, including numerous valuable statues of the ancient gods. But not only that: a beautiful bottle of black cumin oil had also been placed in Pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb - for the famous man's journey to the afterlife.
"Even the rulers of Ancient Egypt were very concerned with their health and used, among other things, black cumin oil. Howard Carter showed us this in Tutankhamun's tomb. The pharaoh swore by black cumin: according to historical reports, his servants always had to carry a bottle of the precious oil with them. And the no less famous ancient Egyptian queens Cleopatra and Nefertiti are said to owe their velvety soft and beautiful skin to black cumin oil," says Natura Vitalis founder Frank Felte (www.naturavitalis.de). The company from Essen has long been considered one of the leading manufacturers of natural food supplements and places the highest value on continuous further and new developments of health products on a scientific basis.
There is also a reference to black cumin oil in the Bible. In Isaiah (28, 23-29) it says: "Listen, hear my voice, pay attention, listen to my word! Does the farmer plough every day to sow, does he plough and harrow his fields every day? No, when he has levelled the fields, he scatters black cumin and dill, sows wheat and barley and spelt at the edges. Thus his God instructs and teaches him, that he may do right."
But what makes black seed oil so interesting? "The main substance in black seed oil is the essential fatty acids. And the word 'essential' says it all: these polyunsaturated fatty acids are vital for us humans and play a central role in the formation of certain prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that support many important bodily functions," explains Frank Felte. For example, prostaglandins regulate cell development and cell growth. A not entirely insignificant task when you consider that of our 70 trillion body cells, around 600 billion die every day and at the same time new ones are created. Whether intestine, liver, skin or immune system: our health is permanently influenced by essential fatty acids.
Incidentally, black cumin from the land on the Nile is still considered one of the best. The plant with the botanical name "Nigella Sativa" grows in southern Egypt, for example, is also called "true black cumin" and is considered the best supplier of black cumin oil worldwide. No other black cumin plant comes even remotely close to the extraordinarily high quality. The cold-pressed black cumin oil from Natura Vitalis corresponds to this top quality.
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