Models and stars swear by the daily immune booster with ginger and not only get fit in the cold season with the natural remedy. Natura Vitalis relies on the product "Ingwerol".
Ginger is one of the oldest useful plants of mankind and it is hard to imagine many dishes without it as a spice. The plant grows in the tropics and subtropics and is traditionally cultivated in countries such as Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, China, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, France and Nigeria as well as in South America. The home of the ginger plant is not known for certain. It may have originated in Sri Lanka or the Pacific islands. You might not think so at first glance, but the plant contains a good portion of health and has a lot of positive effects on the body. In the Middle Ages, it was used to cure almost every ailment - without any side effects.
"After the Middle Ages, however, the tuber was forgotten for a long time. Yet the exotic root can not only be used to conjure up delicious - not only Asian - dishes, but also to treat colds, headaches and gastrointestinal complaints simply and effectively. And without any side effects. Ginger has been tried and tested in Asia for a long time and has been making a comeback here for some time now. And rightly so, because the tuber contains over 160 different beneficial ingredients. These include iron, numerous vitamins, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and various essential oils," says Natura Vitalis founder Frank Felte (www.naturavitalis.de). The company from Essen has long been considered one of the leading manufacturers of natural food supplements and places the highest value on continuous further and new developments of health products on a scientific basis.
Models and stars swear by the daily immune booster and get fit with the natural remedy not only in the cold season. Because the tuber is a true jack-of-all-trades that helps us feel good and stay healthy all year round. The antibacterial effect of the spice tuber has long been proven. The plant is also said to have muscle-relaxing and circulation-promoting effects. If you manage to eat ginger every day, you will probably not get sick as quickly and will simply feel fitter. The tuber not only prevents colds and flu, but also alleviates existing symptoms and helps to heal them. So it is worthwhile to benefit from its active ingredients.
Frank Felte explains: "The healing effect comes primarily from the plant's particularly interesting active ingredient: the pungent substance gingerol, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. These gingerols stimulate the blood flow to our mucous membranes, for example. If the mucous membranes are well supplied with blood, bacteria and viruses have significantly less chance of penetrating our bodies! In addition, gingerols promote the flow of bodily fluids, which supports our digestion and relieves bloating."
Natura Vitalis has developed the product "Gingerol" for this purpose. Each capsule of Gingerol is as strong as two kilos of fresh ginger - without annoying the mouth, nose and throat with its powerful pungency. "And to round off the recipe, Natura Vitalis has added cardamom and vitamin C. Cardamom is a spice often used in Asian cuisine. Its essential oils support the anti-inflammatory effect of ginger and additionally contribute to our well-being. Like ginger, vitamin C strengthens our body's defence against disease," emphasises Frank Felte.
This text may contain translation errors as the translation was done by an online translation tool.