Soon the time will begin when the good intentions for the new year will be made. Losing weight is a part of most people's lives. A new method should now simplify this.
The year is drawing to a close and at the latest after the feasting on the holidays we promise ourselves: From January we will start a diet. But the inner pig dog is big and is not easily convinced that a few fitness units and a healthy diet would do us good. The solution to this problem can be intermittent fasting. The discovery of the circadian rhythm was one of the most groundbreaking sensations of recent years. It was found that every body cell follows a 24-hour cycle, which is oriented to day and night.
A recent study has now expressively shown that there are great health benefits to be gained by coordinating your diet with your internal clock. Researchers at the University of California discovered that limiting food consumption to a ten-hour fast per day results in weight loss, lower blood pressure and more stable insulin levels.
The steadily increasing number of overweight people suggests that the diet is too rich in sugar and fat. Approximately one in three adults in Germany suffers from the metabolic syndrome, which refers to the following risk factors: Overweight, high blood pressure, high blood lipid levels and high blood sugar levels. All these side effects fuel each other, dramatically increasing the risk of life-threatening diseases such as heart attack, stroke and diabetes. Healthy nutrition, sufficient exercise and possibly medication are often insufficient measures to fully manage the risk.
However, intermittent fasting can counteract the metabolic syndrome without engaging in sweat-inducing sporting activities or significantly reducing calorie intake. The procedure is simple: Ten hours a day you may eat, in the remaining 14 hours the fasting should be reduced to drinking water. Test persons from the University of California practiced intermittent fasting over a period of three months. They lost weight, reduced their abdominal fat, lowered their blood pressure and cholesterol and stabilized their blood sugar and insulin levels. However, it is important to act before you suffer from diabetes - because it is very difficult to reverse the disease process.
Intermittent fasting allows the body to rest and regenerate for 14 hours. In addition, the organism can anticipate when the next meal is coming and optimize the metabolism accordingly. A big plus: During the ten hours, people who want to lose weight can eat anything they feel like.
* This text may contain translation errors as the translation was performed by an online translation tool.