Hello Mr. Felte, many people in Germany should know you by now. Please introduce yourself again.
Good afternoon and thank you very much for your interview request. As you already said, my name is Felte, more precisely Frank Felte. I am 57 years young and 21 years ago I was allowed to found the company Natura Vitalis.
How did you get the idea to found the company?
21 years ago, an alternative practitioner from Switzerland presented me with highly interesting facts about a microalgae called Spirulina. The name says it all: it is a very small algae, but its effect is very great. More than 4000 completely natural nutrient compounds are found in this highly potent alga. To this day, no other food, plant or seed has been found on our planet that contains as many nutrient compounds as spirulina. This fascinated me so much that I thought this natural substance should be accessible to many more people, because this nutrient diversity has an extraordinarily positive effect on the entire organism. And so I founded Natura Vitalis in 1999 and initially started marketing spirulina. Today we have more than 70 different food optimisation products.
Their success story in this area is almost unprecedented. How did it come about?
A few months after the founding of Natura Vitalis, I sat at home in the evenings and zapped through the TV summer slump. Suddenly I saw a shopping channel and got stuck there. This channel was relatively new in Germany and my intuition at the time told me: This is a very interesting distribution channel for my products. So I got in touch with this TV station and poof...a few weeks later I was live in front of the camera with my products. Today, the shopping channel in question is one of the largest teleshopping channels in Europe and this growth has of course been very beneficial to me. The human immune system plays an important role in food supplements. How does this look like with Natura Vitalis? Of course we have various products that can strengthen the immune system. This starts with our product for the intestinal flora, because after all, about 70% of our immune cells are located here and ends with extremely innovative products, which are unique in Germany.
Can we strengthen our immune system through our diet?
Let's put it this way: We could if our current food contained all the important vital substances. But that is exactly our problem: our nutrition. For example, our "meat suppliers" are fed with carcass meal and fattened with hormones and antibiotics. The consequences: The schnitzel makes men grow breasts - not very sexy - and makes deadly bacteria resistant to the power of medicine. And things don't look any better with the supposedly fresh fruit and vegetables either, because as we all know today, our arable soils are now so depleted that various studies have repeatedly shown that the loss of nutritional value in our food is immense. Prof. Tim Lang from the Centre for Food Policy in London once summed up this drama in this way: "Today you have to eat eight oranges to get the same amount of vitamin C that your grandparents got from a single orange".
Which micronutrients are particularly important for our immune system?
The most important are certainly vitamins A, C, D and E. But the B vitamins also have immunomodulating properties. So do the trace elements zinc, selenium and iron. And protein plays an important role for our immune system. You must know that our immune system consists of 1.5 kg of pure protein, among other things. The consequence is clear. If you consume too little protein, your immune system is weak. So protein is also immensely important, but unfortunately we often destroy it when we cook or fry. All in all, there are only about 40 essential micronutrients, and yet your body is running 1000de of chemical substances. chemical reactions in your body. It is logical that in all vitamin-controlled processes, 1 vitamin is involved in several reactions. And if this is missing or you have too little of it - then you have a problem on several sites.
In which areas is supplementation worthwhile?
Unfortunately, it is a fact that most of the food we eat today is more like the nutrient content of a paper tissue. In addition, our fruit and vegetables are full of harmful pesticides and other chemicals. This is reflected in our diseases of civilisation, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. So it is worthwhile for everyone to supplement to pimp up the dead denatured food.
Is there anything special to consider when taking food supplements? When yes, what?
Food supplements should of course be of high quality and sensibly dosed. For example, if you take a multivitamin effervescent tablet, you may experience a slightly erotic tingling sensation on the tongue in the short term, but certainly no health benefit, because the dosage of the vitamins is simply much too low. In order to have a real benefit you have to forget the recommendations of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) and follow the guidelines of orthomolecular medicine.
What harms our immune system?
Lack of vital substances, stress, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, overweight, smoking and alcohol. Thank you very much for the interview, Mr Felte. Continued success with your business!
Source: https://www.rtl.de/vergleiche/news/frank-felte-im-interview-produkte-fuers-immunsystem