It's the same every year: People want to lose weight, exercise, reduce stress, stop smoking, eat healthier - or maybe even all of the above. The problem: "The resolution is good, but the fulfilment is difficult", as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe already knew. Natural vital substances help to promote and persevere with these goals.
The well-known poet Wilhelm Busch wrote the beautiful poem "On New Year's Day" well over 100 years ago. For the New Year, he poetised the following:
"If fortune according to its purpose / Will give you something good, / Say thanks and accept it / Without much hesitation. // Every gift be welcomed, / But above all: / That which you strive for, / May you succeed."
But what does happiness actually mean for the New Year? What do people really wish for? That can be gleaned from a statistic: According to a survey, almost 30 per cent of Germans wished for health for themselves, family and friends as the most important gift in the New Year. This is followed by the wish for more peace in the world, which was mentioned by 15 per cent.
A poem by Eva-Maria Herrmann ("Good intentions") also fits this outstanding wish for more health for all. She writes:
"A new year has dawned / and in the fifty-two weeks / we have again resolved / to get everything desirable. / To achieve our goals, / to avoid every annoyance, / to renounce all vices, / to stop smoking, / to lose a few pounds / and to no longer be ashamed of anything! / To have more time for our loved ones, / Not to put off work. / To see the boss as a human being for once, / And to go for a walk more often."
A third of people keep resolutions for a maximum of one month
This fits in with the general state of affairs after the holidays, when the New Year has begun. Because this is the time of good intentions. People want to lose weight, exercise, reduce stress, stop smoking, eat healthier - or maybe even all of the above. The problem: "The resolution is good, but the fulfilment is difficult", as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe already knew. According to a Statista survey, only one in five do not break any good resolutions for the next year. For 27 percent of those surveyed, they last for more than two months. For the majority of people, a total of 36 percent, resolutions even last between one day and one month. So the question is how to keep these good resolutions to live healthier and have less stress?
To reduce stress, relaxation exercises are just as suitable as natural substances. These include, for example, the B vitamins, lavender, jasmine blossom and hops. These substances have a calming effect and have a positive impact on the central nervous system. Take hops, for example: it was named medicinal plant of the year in 2007 and has an immediate positive effect on the psyche and thus on the complete mental balance. Happiness, light-heartedness and ease spread immediately after taking hops. This fact is scientifically recognised today.
Good body image has a very positive effect on others
Or the B vitamins: They are, so to speak, the "managers of our metabolism". It depends on them how much energy we have from minute to minute, how we feel, how our brain works and finally how much time our body cells need to regenerate or renew or repair themselves. And: B vitamins are involved in the production of various messenger substances: For example, serotonin (for inner peace), melatonin (the sleep messenger), noradrenalin (for a joyful zest for action), dopamine (for a happy, carefree disposition), acetylcholine (for a good memory) as well as 40 other messengers known so far.
And those who feel good and balanced mentally usually also want to be physically fit and healthy. Not only because people with a good body image have a very positive effect on their fellow human beings. But also because this is the best preventive measure against life-threatening diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and so on. Of course, a healthy, balanced diet, abstaining from unhealthy stimulants such as alcohol and nicotine, and an individually tailored sports and exercise programme are the best ways to do this.
Convert fat into muscle mass
But herbal substances can also promote weight loss and the building of a new physical well-being. These natural substances include, for example, L-carnitine (the number one fat burner), valuable green tea extract and a variety of essential vitamins and minerals. Equally important is protein, also known as protein - proteins burn vast amounts of fat during digestion in the body. Speaking of L-carnitine: L-carnitine is produced in living organisms from the amino acids lysine and methionine and plays an essential role in energy metabolism in the transport of fatty acids between the cytosol and the cell organelles such as the mitochondria. L-carnitine thus plays an important role in metabolism and fat burning. Endurance athletes also frequently use L-carnitine as a dietary supplement, as some studies show that performance increases can be achieved by taking L-carnitine.
CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is equally effective. This is a natural polyunsaturated fatty acid that boosts fat burning, reduces fat absorption from food and lowers levels of the protein leptin, which causes weight gain. CLA has been very popular for decades, especially among athletes, who use it to convert even the last gram of fat into muscle mass.
With regard to mental and physical health, the following applies: If you have a good plan and also make use of natural helpers, you will celebrate great successes and also keep your good intentions!
* This text may contain translation errors as the translation was performed by an online translation tool.