Too much cholesterol in the blood can lead to serious diseases. At the same time, however, cholesterol is an important substance for the human body. For this, one must promote good cholesterol.
There is hardly a substance in the human body that is discussed as extensively as cholesterol. The cholesterol level is used as an indicator for cardiovascular diseases, and other serious diseases can also be promoted by too much of these "blood fats". LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) is one such cholesterol, which is largely responsible for the development of vascular calcification. If the cholesterol level in the blood is elevated over a long period of time, cholesterol deposits increasingly form in the walls of the blood vessels. This reduces the elasticity of the blood vessels, which can lead to vasoconstriction and circulatory disorders. This is also known as arteriosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis is the main cause of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, heart failure and strokes, and is responsible for about half of all deaths in the western world.
"At the same time, we have to dispel a legend that cholesterol is bad per se. Cholesterol is in itself a vital substance that is largely produced by our body itself. It is used, for example, to build cell walls, hormones and a protective layer for the nerves," says Frank Felte, founder and owner of Natura Vitalis, one of the best-known and leading manufacturers of natural vital substances and food supplements in Germany (www.naturavitalis.de). The company is based in Essen and attaches great importance to the continuous further and new development of health products on a scientific basis.
The only problem is a high LDL cholesterol content. In contrast to HDL cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein), LDL transports cholesterol from the liver via the blood into the cells. HDL does it the other way round and "frees" the cells from cholesterol. "The following problem can develop in the process: If the cell has enough cholesterol, it rejects the LDL. So it can happen that the LDL floats around in the blood and the blood fat level rises. This in turn can then become an undesirable health risk in the worst case," says the health expert. "That's why LDL is also called 'bad cholesterol'."
Frank Felte therefore advises lowering LDL cholesterol and raising HDL levels in the blood - but in a natural way. Nature has numerous substances ready to positively support cholesterol levels and promote health. So there are enough reasons to take care of your cholesterol levels. Natura Vitalis has developed the product "Cholesterol" for this purpose. With a worldwide unique recipe, the healthy cholesterol level is positively supported in an extremely effective way. In addition to sesame, fenugreek, olive leaves, wild garlic, psyllium husks, artichokes, pectin and ginger, Cholesterol also contains the substance beta glucan. Beta glucans refers to a group of different high-molecular polysaccharides (carbohydrates) that are found in the cell walls of cereals, bacteria and fungi or in free form in algae. 17 randomised controlled clinical trials attest beta glucan many special properties to positively support healthy cholesterol levels. "The positive effect of beta glucan on blood lipid levels is clinically well studied and has been shown to lower LDL. Even an EU project is looking into this," emphasises Frank Felte.
Speaking of fenugreek: According to Frank Felte, this is a plant that is characterised by a variety of interesting active substances - including saponins. Many scientists believe that saponins would increase the release of bile acid. "Bile acid in turn binds cholesterol and thus promotes its excretion," says Frank Felte.
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