Frank Felte is an experienced entrepreneur. For more than 20 years he has been asserting himself on the market of dietary supplements with his company Natura Vitalis. His path began at the very bottom, because back then things did not look at all rosy in the life of the now so successful entrepreneur. But despite the unfavourable circumstances, he developed a business idea and got it off the ground. The will to do things himself and a nose for the right opportunity were of great benefit to him. His personal motivation was and still is the conviction that you have to take your life into your own hands to get ahead.
And Frank Felte is successful. Within just a few years, he transformed a vague idea into a multimillion-dollar company. The idea: to produce and distribute food supplements on a natural basis. Following a spontaneous idea, he started selling them even before the first products were manufactured. He picked up the phone and called the teleshopping channel QVC. He was given an appointment and presented the planned products to the people in charge. At that time the station was completely new on the German market and gave the young entrepreneur the chance to market his products live in the studio. Then everything went pretty fast. With his hands-on manner Felte not only liked QVC, but he and his products were also well received by the audience. So the company Natura Vitalis grew rapidly with the nature-based dietary supplements. And then Frank Felte achieved what many companies fail to do. He was able to perpetuate the success. To this day, he is always on the lookout for new ideas and products that not only work but are also fun for his customers. Because only then can a product assert itself on the market, Frank Felte is sure of that. He is a man who knows his abilities. But at the same time he also knows when to consult experts. So he develops the ideas for new products himself, but leaves the implementation in the hands of experts. In this way, innovative and targeted products are created for which he is enthusiastic. And you can see this enthusiasm in his work. He speaks of active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and CBD as if they were beloved children. Proudly he reports exuberant feedback from enthusiastic users. And rightly so, because he owes his success to himself. He has taken his life into his own hands. But that is not all. He is so convinced of his existence as a self-made man that he wants to open this path to others. Sales on television are a thing of the past. Today, the modern company relies on the opportunities of recommendation marketing. Because "anyone can recommend", says the company owner. After all, you can also have films and restaurants recommended, so why not dietary supplements. If you believe in a product, you can convince others of it as well. For Natura Vitalis this distribution channel is currently exactly the right one, because it is even crisis-proof. Even during the corona pandemic, sales continue - thanks to digitalization. Frank Felte and his team partners have quickly and easily switched sales to online. This allows them to continue their business and secure their economic independence. As a businessman, Frank Felte seeks and finds opportunities, which he uses prudently. At the same time he is constantly on the lookout for new opportunities. In this way, he not only ensures his own success, but with Referral Marketing he also opens up the possibility for others to take their lives and actions into their own hands.
Source: https://www.wallstreet-online.de/nachricht/12491526-frank-felte-natura-vitalis-portrait-erfolg-haende/all