An international study has shown that insufficient fluid intake increases the risk of chronic diseases and can accelerate the ageing process. The German Society for Nutrition recommends drinking around 1.5 litres a day.
The study "Middle-age high normal serum sodium as a risk factor for accelerated biological aging, chronic diseases, and premature mortality" by Natalia I. Dmitrieva, Alessandro Gagarin, Delong Liu, Colin O. Wu and Manfred Boehm takes an interesting approach. It is well known that some people age faster than others and some people in turn live disease-free into old age, while others develop age-related chronic diseases. "With a rapidly ageing population and an emerging epidemic of chronic diseases, finding mechanisms and implementing preventive measures that could slow down the ageing process has become a new challenge for biomedical research and public health. In mice, lifelong water restriction shortens lifespan and promotes degenerative changes. Here we test the hypothesis that optimal fluid intake can slow the ageing process in humans," the study abstract states.
Risk of chronic diseases with insufficient fluid intake
To reach their conclusion, the international research team analysed medical data from about 11,000 people in the USA. The data came from a period of 30 years. They thus depict a long-term development. The core message: if you tend to drink too little, you have more sodium in your blood. Those who are affected by this tend to show signs of accelerated ageing processes, according to the study. And the risk of chronic diseases also increased in this group. "The study only looked at statistical correlations. There could be other reasons for the better health of certain people. Nevertheless, the researchers advise people to make sure they drink enough throughout the day, comments Deutschlandfunk."
Two to three litres of fluid should be consumed by healthy adults per day
Furthermore, it says: "The German Nutrition Society recommends drinking about 1.5 litres of fluid per day through water and other beverages. However, personal needs depend on age, gender and body weight, among other factors, and can also be higher.
The Techniker Krankenkasse health insurance fund states: "Healthy adults should drink two to three litres of fluid per day. A good guideline is 35 millilitres per kilogram of body weight, for babies and children it is even a little more. But don't worry: you don't have to drink all that. The body can produce about 300 millilitres of water itself in its metabolic processes, and it gets about one litre of water from solid food. Apples, vegetables and potatoes, for example, contain about 70 percent water, cucumbers even 95 percent. The remaining amount of liquid, about 1.5 litres, must be consumed through drinks.
The Techniker Krankenkasse also emphasises the risk of insufficient fluid intake. "If you take in too little fluid, you damage your health. For example, the kidneys: They are responsible for transporting waste products out of the body and for this they need fluids. Other consequences of insufficient fluid intake: the blood becomes more viscous and thus strains the cardiovascular system, and digestion becomes sluggish."
Excessive water retention endangers health
This means that water is the number one elixir of life: without water, humans, animals and nature would not be able to live. This is shown by the mere fact that the human body consists of 65 per cent water, and water transports vitamins, minerals and other vital elements and plays a decisive role in the cleansing of organs and the removal of harmful substances. In addition, water cools the body during high temperatures and physical exertion.
However, having too much water in the body is also a problem. Excessive water retention endangers health by putting too much strain on the circulatory system and increasing blood pressure. These deposits are called oedemas and can be triggered, among other things, by intense heat and lack of exercise, but also by some medicines such as cortisone and beta blockers, stress and a wrong or one-sided diet. Sodium in particular is often the trigger for water retention - unfortunately, this substance is present in many foods nowadays. In addition, if the fluid collects in the face, upper arms, legs or upper abdomen, for example, the body can become unsightly. Dejection and mental discomfort are then the result.
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