Around half of Germans have back or joint pain at least once a week. And on top of that, spring fatigue doesn't make the start of the sunshine season any easier.
Around half of Germans have back or joint pain at least once a week. And on top of that, spring fatigue doesn't make the start of the sunshine season any easier.
During the dreary months of the year, many people suffer from seasonal fatigue, often referred to as winter depression. According to Frank Felte, founder of Natura Vitalis, one of the main triggers of this seasonal disorder is a lack of light.
Winter, with its cold and darkness, places special demands on our bodies. But how can we effectively protect ourselves against winter fatigue and infections?
The Advent and Christmas seasons are known for their culinary temptations. But how do you stay healthy and watch your weight?
Uncomfortable weather conditions can be challenging for the body and mind. From the importance of a balanced diet to the use of natural vital substances: this can have a positive impact on your health.
The 215 bones and 32 teeth of the human body constantly need fresh calcium every day. Without this important mineral, bones become porous and teeth become diseased.
Natural vital substances such as minerals, vitamins and the like help to promote physical and mental well-being in the long term. Natura Vitalis relies on the concept of orthomolecular medicine.
Migraine, also known as migraine headache, is a neurological disorder that causes, among other things, recurrent severe headaches. Natural vital substances can help relieve symptoms and reduce the frequency of attacks.
Too much cholesterol in the blood can lead to serious diseases. At the same time, however, cholesterol is an important substance for the human body. For this, one must promote good cholesterol.
Hand on heart: When it is cold and wet outside, how often do you get out into the fresh air, do some exercise and eat a vitamin-rich diet? Very few people get up in the winter and take care of their health. But now is the time to take care of your health