When it's cold and wet outside, how often do you get out into the fresh air, exercise and eat a vitamin-rich diet? Very few people get their act together in winter and take care of their health.
When it's cold and wet outside, how often do you get out into the fresh air, exercise and eat a vitamin-rich diet? Very few people get their act together in winter and take care of their health.
Originally, horseradish probably came from Moldova, from where it was brought and spread to Central Europe by the Slavic peoples. Today it grows wild in Central Europe.
With the new "Patient Data Protection Act", the Federal Ministry of Health wants to ensure more data protection in times of advancing digitalisation of the health sector.
Vitamin D is a powerful protective shield against many dangers that can affect our health. If you don't get enough vitamin D, you will get sick in the long run. In summer, three sunbaths per week are actually enough to be optimally supplied with vitamin D
Garlic is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world and has been cultivated for over 5000 years. For just as long, the bulb has also been traditionally used in natural medicine.
Sleep disorders are among the most common health complaints in the population, according to a health report by the federal government.
Since antiquity, it has been assumed that good-looking people also possess impeccable character and are capable of top performance. This can be seen in many examples from literature. The concept is called "kalokagathia" and is very famous.
Migraine is a widespread condition characterised by a periodically recurring, seizure-like, pulsating and hemiplegic headache that may be accompanied by additional symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light (photophobia) or sound (phonophobia
There is growing scientific evidence that fructose can cause a number of chronic diseases and is toxic to the liver. A little sugar is not a problem, but a lot of sugar kills, albeit slowly. The problem is: it is very difficult for us to avoid sugar consu
The liver is the central organ of metabolism. Its most important tasks are the production of vital proteins, the utilisation of food components, the production of bile and the associated breakdown and excretion of metabolic products, medicines and toxins.